Best combinations age of wonders iii
Best combinations age of wonders iii

their range and damage is crazy and the dragon even managed to hit them with a poison breath attack/blight which HE are weak to btw, and it barely did any damage with them on the walls. I'm doing the Dragon's Throne scenario, just captured the central city with a tier IIs and tier IIIs armies, that spawned dragon armies in retaliation in places across my empire.I had tier 1 armies of 6 high elf archers recruited from the same city in 3 forts, one of the forts got attacked by a TIER IV black dragon.and I kid you not, as it approached, 1 unit of archers fired from the walls and took a bit over 1/3 of the health down, the other unit a little over the other third, and the last unit barely had to fire all of its 3 volleys and the battle was over. You want to cheese it? High Elf Archer spam, yes the Tier 1 unit.with Theocrat, and recruited from a location that has a focus chamber, add to that the racial governance perks : patron, prophet, deity. Hunters also have forest concealment, and since you're going to be spamming trees everywhere anyway, you can have permanently invisible stacks of them. Personally, when I play arch-druid elves, I use longbowmen for city garrisons, due to the aforementioned cheapness, and projectile resistance at gold, and for nothing else.

#Best combinations age of wonders iii plus#

* Hunters get Martial Arts at gold and are more mobile overall, plus animal slayer. * Longbowmen get Projectile Resistance at gold (so harder to kill with ranged weapons.

best combinations age of wonders iii

That, and gold rank, are the only differences between their rank-ups * Hunters get a bonus meele damage at veteran, replacing nothing I can see. * Archers have armored, though have a lower defense value anyway, which basically means they're susceptible to armor piercing and nothing else good comes of it (their base armor is 6). Seems like hunters would get a minor increase. Minor Correction: Actually, they have the same health according to the Tome, which surprised me a lot. Originally posted by harleyquin84:The hunter costs more, has less health and isn't armoured but in addition to shooting a longbow which is just about the only thing the longbowman can do hunters have a lot of mobility-related abilities, animal slayer and get the same benefits longbowmen get from the Arch-druid empire upgrades. Are you talking about the hunter unit and if so what bonus' are you talking about? This is coming from someone who hasn't played and arch druid but after a quick Google Search I'm still clueless about archdruid ranger. if growth is u main goal u can say u exact same combo is good with priest and even more rogue too, u only need to change the druid spell for the priest or even rogue one (moral). Originally posted by Stardustfire:so where is the strong point in u combo? druids biggest unit is summoned, not produced, so the growth/gold income is not the main priority for that class. I for myself are not a big fan of grey guard because the limitation in gaining good or bad points so u dont destroy u moral and boni.

best combinations age of wonders iii

There are so much good combinations u cant count them all, and for some combinations ppl will tell u they not good, only because they have another playstyle and they cant make use of what u consider as good. Only thing where i mix a magic school with summoned end unit with a summoner class is undeath (human, undeath knights are beasts) where i use dark angels as end unit instead of the harbingers (more versatile and tanky) i try to get my strong points even stronger over the class-race combo, not schools. So i dont want to max something with the schools, but use the schools more to counter weak points. I use elf druid (rangers are just to broken strong with elf racial boni) with expander too (to counteract elf lower growth), but i use life magic to get rid of corrupted soil what can bring elfs in really bad positions at settling. if growth is u main goal u can say u exact same combo is good with priest and even more rogue too, u only need to change the druid spell for the priest or even rogue one (moral).Īnother point is that u clash grey guard end unit with druid end unit, because both are summoned. So where is the strong point in u combo? druids biggest unit is summoned, not produced, so the growth/gold income is not the main priority for that class.

Best combinations age of wonders iii